Guest Post today by small group pastor, Julie Yoder:
Improving Discussion in Our Groups
There are three ways that we can improve discussions in our groups. The
first thing we can do is PRAY! Pray that people would be open and honest.
Pray that people would feel free to share their ideas but not dominate
conversation. Pray for the person who is leading discussion to have
wisdom and discernment.
Secondly, we should PREPARE. The Lifeline is a great tool that leaves
flexibility for the discussion leader. It’s important to start preparation by
listening to the weekly sermon, asking the Holy Spirit to highlight any points
for discussion. Next read the passage that we’ve suggested and make note
of anything that jumps out to you. There are three categories of questions
on the Lifeline—Biblically Thoughtful, Culturally Relevant, and Spiritually
Powerful. Pick several questions out of each session and include any
questions you came up with from the sermon or the passage. We usually
try to have 4-6 questions selected and go with the idea that we’ll see how
the group responds and be flexible.
Thirdly, we PUT into PRACTICE. We have to have patience when leading
discussion. Sometimes there is going to be a little bit of silence before
people talk and that’s okay! Give people time before jumping in or going
on to the next question. A good discussion is one in which the leader does
very little talking. Your goal is to be a facilitator of discussion and get the
group to share their thoughts and feelings.
To have a great discussion you have to pray, prepare, and put into practice.
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom and he’ll surely give it to you!
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