Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who/What Do You Hope In?

Quick Thought Thursday. Isaiah 49:23 tells us "No one who hopes in me ever regrets it." (The Message)

So, let's cut to the chase. Honestly think about this question. Who or what do you hope in?

Your job?

The economy?

The government?


Your next vacation?

Your favorite hobby or pasttime?

Your family?

Your spouse?

For me, I tend to wander back and forth between a few of these. Many times my hope is in work. Sometimes, it's in an experience or adventure that I plan. Sometimes it's in my wife. Sometimes in my favorite hobby, which is running.

As followers of Christ, our hope should never be in anything but God. Period. All of these things can be tools that God can use, but my hope should never be in my job to provide for my family. My hope should simply stay in Christ, and allow Him to provide for me by the gift of my current job. I should not put so much hope in going running, or on a vacation to give me rest. My hope should be in Christ, and if He chooses to use a vacation, or a good run to minister to me then so be it.

My problem is that I run to a host of things to make me feel better, to make my life better, hoping that God uses those along the way. I hope in all these things, and then I wonder why God feels distant. But I think a subtle change would make all the difference. I should run to Jesus, and if He decides to use any of these, then great. Jobs come and go. Vacation memories fade. None of these last; they are imperfect. But there is one who will never leave. He will never fail. He will never disappoint.

His name is Jesus. And you will never regret hoping in Him.

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