Thursday, May 5, 2011

What's Your Focus?

What was the focus of Jesus' life? In perfect step with what He said were the two most important commands, to love God and to love others as ourselves, was the way He lived His life. Obviously He spent some of his time with groups and individuals He knew well. But we also see many times where He engaged in the lives of those He did not know. I'd say the percentage of His time spent doing this was much greater than the percentage in my own life. Which leads me to believe I've got some work to do if I want to follow the example that Christ set.

At our last VLT we handed out a Small Group Outreach Menu for the Summer of 2011. We want to encourage every group to get their hands a little dirty, putting their thoughts, time, and energy into something and someone outside of their group. Just as we desire all of our personal lives to mirror Christ's by reaching out to others, we want the same to be true of our small groups.

Below is that same handout. Not only will this mean a lot to those you are helping, but things like this will also bring your group together like nothing else can. In fact, if you do this with any regularity, this could very well become the highlight of each trimester that your group meets!

Small Group Outreach Menu - Summer 2011

One of the many ways we grow closer to Jesus is to demonstrate compassion. Reaching out to serve those in need as a small group can be a powerful experience and we strongly suggest that you spend some time focusing on outreach as a group. This may be an ideal activity for your group between trimesters!

Please prayerfully consider one of this outreaches for your own small group, or discuss as a group what you would like to do if these don’t seem to fit. We have suggestions below that fit into three categories; opportunities to collect donations, to serve within the church, and to serve outside of the church. If you have any questions, or commit to an outreach project, please contact our Compassion pastor, Vern Fein, at 367.8082 or

Opportunities to collect donations

1. Collect a package of diapers and/or wipes from each individual/family in your small group and donate them to the Vineyard Hope Center or the Pregnancy Resource Center.

2. Hold a food drive at your small group for one week and donate the cans/ boxes of non-perishable food to the Vineyard Food Pantry, Restoration Urban Ministries or the Eastern Illinois Foodbank.

3. Plan a clothing swap for your small group where each indivdual/family brings in clothing that they no longer need and “swap” with the other people in your small group. Donate all the leftover clothes to Salt and LIght or Restoration Urban Ministries.

Opportunities to serve within the church

1. Gather as many members of your small group as possible and sign up to volunteer at VBS, held July 11-15. Group members can team up to lead a group of children through activities, or your small group can sign up to help out at a station as a big group, such as snacks, games or crafts. Contact: Pam Williams,

2. Spend time serving as a group at the Vineyard Food Pantry. Sort and bag groceries, assist clients as they pick up their food and pray with them. Monday, 5:30-7:30pm, Wednesday 10am-12pm or 4:30-6:30pm, Friday 10am- 1pm. Contact: Paula Barickman,

3. Attend Kingdom Healing 1 at Action Weekend, which will train you for the ministry team during weekend services. Then pick one a weekend where you all attend the same service and all go forward to pray for others during ministry time. Contact: Putty Putman,

4. “Adopt” one of our ten missionaries by praying for them, communicating with them and finding other ways to support them. Contact: Jim Egli,

(over)Opportunities to serve outside of the church

1. Champaign County Christian Health Clinic: Potential activities include cleaning the area, preparing a meal for 15-20 volunteers or praying with clients; all opportunities are evenings. Contact: Jeff Trask,

2. Eastern Illinois Foodbank: Repacking bulk food for distribution, among other tasks; Tuesday or Thursday, 5:30-7:30pm. Contact: Karen Costello,

3. Daily Bread Soup Kitchen: Volunteers needed to complete a variety of tasks, including serving sack lunches to those in need of a meal; Monday through Friday, 9am-1:30pm. Contact: Clare, 359.8500.

4. Salt and Light: Serve during public food distribution or short Wednesday worship service. Tasks include passing out food, clothing and furniture and praying with clients, among other things; 1st Saturday of each month, 8am- 12pm, Monday, 1-5pm, Wednesday 11:30-5pm. Contact: Josh Hoerman,

5. Empty Tomb: Volunteer activities include working in the clothing room, delivering furniture, and repairing homes of recipients in need (basic home maintenance); Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm. Contact: Karen Seiter,

6. Helia Center Senior Outreach: Plan an activity for residents or simply set up a time to visit and pray with the residents. Dates and times flexible. Contact: Deb Crawford, 352.0561.

7. Canteen Run: Deliver items, info and prayer to homeless individuals in our community. Serve with a group; Monday and Thursday, 6pm. Contact: Barb Davis, 372.6560 or

8. Restoration Urban Ministries: Ongoing opportunities • Serve dinner to a large group of residents prior to weekly Wednesday evening

Bible study; serve meal at 6pm, flexible with date choice • Sort and display clothing; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 10am-5pm;

Saturday morning possible as well

Restoration Urban Ministries: Special events • Playground Maintenance Day - Repair and reinforce equipement, paint/stain

structures, weed and re-mulch; May 14, 9am-3pm • Family Movie Night - Show movie and provide snacks for this family-oriented

evening; Tuesday night, once per month 6:30-8:30pm • Jesus Days* - Face painting, serve lunch, pass out food boxes, deliver food to

vehicles; June 11, 8am-12pm • Celebration in the Park - Face painting, t-shirt sales, concessions and more; June

25, 12-6pm, Hessel Park

Contact for all Restoration Urban Ministries activities: Linda Cramer, 355.2662 or *Contact for Jesus Days: Paula Barickman,

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