Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why not Sunday School?

Jon Acuff is a blogger and author on the website Stuff Christians Like.   Last week, he wrote an interesting article on, of all things, Sunday School. As long as I have attended the Vineyard we have been a small group based church.  Jon writes a tongue in cheek article about small groups versus Sunday schools.  Jon puts it in more "emotionally," here's an excerpt from his article which is a letter written to Sunday School:

These days, we don't want you, Sunday School.
We want to do life together.
To go through some seasons.
To form a community of communities that fellowship.
So we traded you in for small groups and home groups and connect groups and journey groups. We moved you to Tuesday night or every third Wednesday night or the fourth Thursday night divided by 14 with no remainder carried over. Now when I go see you, I have to find a babysitter. And a couch from IKEA and a plate of Costco one bite brownies for everyone that comes over.
And I love small groups. I think they're awesome. In addition to forming some great friendships, if it doesn't work out, you can trade in your group for a new one. That was hard with you Sunday School. If things didn't work out, I didn't have a whole lot of options. I couldn't dump you, knowing that every Sunday morning I'd see you waiting for me right outside of church. But with a small group, I'm free to move around...
But even though I like small groups, the more I think about it, the more I realize I miss you. I miss having the double feature of Sunday School and Church. I know it still exists. It's still available at a ton of different churches. But, for 15 years, I haven't seen you at the churches I attend...
It's not you, it's me.
Be sure to read his whole article here: Missing Sunday School

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